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19:30 PM MONDAY (Mt Albert)
Monday Mt Albert, Steps & Traditions Meeting. Located at Mt Albert Methodist Church, 831 New North Road. Entrance on Alexis Avenue between New North Rd and Asquith Avenue.
Contact Catherine 021 124 8288.
Meeting ID
19:15 PM WEDNESDAY (Mt Eden)
WEDNESDAY 7:15PM - 7:30PM (Before main meeting at 7:30PM) Mt Eden Face to Face INFORMAL INTRODUCTION before the main meeting at 7.30PM. There will be time for Q&A's after the main meeting
Meeting ID
11:00 AM SATURDAY (Eden Terrace)
SATURDAY 11:00 AM St Benedicts Church Literature Meeting. Cnr St Benedicts St and Alex Evans St, in a room below the church. Access via Alex Evans St, turn into the long driveway alongside the church, and turn left at the far corner of the building. Contact Catherine 021 124 8288
Meeting ID
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